Committed to providing for children in need

Access to education

We believe in empowering children to own their own future, which means providing them access to education and the support they need to get the most from what they learn.

They are provided with tuition fees, scholastic materials and other school needs. Children with diverse talents in music, dance and drama, as well as sports, are given an opportunity to exploit such talents for their future survival and livelihood.

Every child we take care of has a dream, like Mary, who wants to become a teacher some day.

Mukoota Primrose
Ambrose Mulinda

Food and necessities

The children at Amber Foundation are mostly orphans or those who do not have hope for the next day. Our goal is to provide for them a safe space by ensuring their lives are sustainable with what we provide for them making them happy.

Practical life skills

One of the goals of Amber Foundation is to assist and equip  children with practical life skills that will help them take control of their own lives.

These include bible study, life talks, building community, crop farming, baking, and many more. All of these activites increase our capacity to support the future community, reduce poverty, and ensure long term viability.

Mukoota Primrose

Our work